Leagues Offered

Indoor or Outdoor 8/9 week session:
6 People: $480/$510  4 People: $320/$340  2 People: $160/$170
Please Note: Registering for a league doesn't guarantee you are in the league but does put you on the waiting list to get in.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Women's 6 D Register
Women's 4 C Register Register
Women's 4 BB Register
Women's 4 B Register
Tourney Schedule Register Register Register Register
Tourney Schedule Register
Tourney Schedule Register
Men's 4 C Register Register
Men's 4 C Register
Men's 4 C Register Register
Men's 4 BB Register
Men's 4 B Register Register
Men's 4 B Register
Coed 6 D Register Register
Coed 6 C Register
Coed 4 C Register
Coed 4 C Register Register Register
Coed 4 C Register Register
Coed 4 BB Register
Coed 4 B Register Register
Coed 4 B Register Register
  • Above are the leagues we offer for all three sessions of volleyball
  • If you want to play in a league on a night that is not offered, let us know, others may be interested as well. We will try to accomodate if there is enough interest.
  • No player may participate more than one level below their highest division of league or tournament at any facility.
  • If you have questions as to what level you are, do not hesitate to ask.

Connect With Us

4005 Hopper Hill Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45255
(859) 801-3952

League Levels Defined

BB Division

Our Most Competitive League
 • Tight set calls, 1 rotation or less
 • Always attempt 3 hits
 • Very controlled passing
 • For men & women that compete in BB, A or Open level tournaments

B Division

Quite Competitive
 • Tight set calls, 1 1/2 rotations or less
 • Almost always attempt 3 hits
 • Controlled passing
 • For men & women that compete in BB or B level tournaments

C Division

Competitive Recreational
 • Looser set calls
 • Double contact will be called
 • Attempts multiple hits during a volley
 • Attempted controlled passing
 • For men & women who do not compete in BB or higher tournaments

D Division

Purely Recreational
 • Loosest set calls
 • Excessive double contact will be called
 • 3 or more hits are not common during a volley
 • For men & women who do not compete in any tournaments